About Us

Create safe haven for collaboration and growth


To be Australia's most valued Chartered Accountants advising High Net Worth Individuals, their Families and Business


To assist Clients to build Enduring Inter-generational Wealth

Core Values

The Right Angle

Any challenge may be resolved viewed from the “right angle”

Trust and Respect

Create a safe haven for collaboration and growth


To leave any situation we are involved with better than before


To be conscientious in all that we do

core value 5@3x


The way you treat your family, treat your colleagues and clients alike.

Our niche is to serve clients with a net worth of $2M to $70M

True wealth is built over several generations – in understanding this we steer and structure family wealth to optimise the current generation’s custodianship of those assets for the next

We are experienced in the Australian investment and commercial environment

We harness the power of investment, combine it with technology and build digital experiences that transform lives.

Get in touch and let us know how we can help